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Learn About Causes of death of Car Battery Warranty

Battery (batteries) is the main power source on the car so it was essential to provide electrical power to any electrical components. Each battery is installed in the new car gets official warranty from the manufacturer. Agent licensee (APM) has set the battery warranty given service book when receiving a new car.

Unfortunately many car owners who do not know the car battery warranty period and any matters that could cause the death of warranty. Here are some things you can abort the warranty on the car battery.

Installation of car accessories that are not standard can abort car battery warranty. For example, the installation of the audio device or TV without the necessary qualified electrical safety. If you want to add accessories on the car should do check first the car electrical system in the official workshop to ensure the security of the electrical system.

Periodic maintenance is not performed at authorized workshops. In accordance with the provisions in the service book, when the periodic servicing the authorized workshop will perform maintenance on the battery, although still within the warranty period. At that moment the official workshop check the water level, voltage, cables, firmness, and the cleanliness of the head / polar battery so that the battery is still functioning properly.

Learn about causes of death of Car Battery Warranty

Accident. In the event of an accident, especially severe, the car battery can be damaged, broken or even a short circuit occurs. Under these conditions do not get a warranty replacement batteries because they cause the battery comes from external factors.

User negligence which may cause an electric current of surge or damage to the battery, such as installing poles reverse battery. In addition, a brief relationship that occurs in the poles of the battery can cause the battery to melt so that the head can not be used anymore.

After knowing the cause of death of the battery warranty should avoid such things in order to keep the warranty valid as it should be, according to the provisions of each APM.


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