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Ranking in the Search Engine Ranking

Has a web page that is well regarded and anerak eye multiformity aksosirisnya, not necessarily give good results on the search engine. At the time the article will explain how to optimize your web page with a tag-specific HTML tags, and things are affecting the ranking of the Search Engine.

Each search engine has its own way and each algorithm to determine the ranking of a website. But there are some points that have been under this general decline the measure can be used by most search engines available, and make sure that the web site or blog that you create a new use these tips. Next tricks practical tips:

  1. Keyword in domain name, if you have a website that contains a collection of songs mp3 for example, will be very good if you use a domain www.mp3.com. This is how the ancient, but still remain in use by search engine.
  2. Keyword in the name of the file, for example, you have a web page that contains information on hotels in balinese, should be saved with the name balinese-hotels.html, this will also affect the ranking.
  3. Keyword in the title page, the tag on the HTML page is very important to optimized. Keep title contains keywords that are used that are relevant to the content of the web page.
  4. Keyword in the headline, you already know about the HTML tags, dst. Tags headline very well be heading for a paragraph, for example: Hotels in Malang. Headline is calculated by Search Engine.
  5. Use keywords that are relevant to the meta tags, do not use the keyword that is not related to the content of your web page. This can be detected by search engines and will be considered spamming.
  6. Keyword in the page content, keywords that are expected to be found in the content of the web page. Use the phrase or words that relate to the main keyword.
  7. Meta tags are HTML tags which are used to describe the entire contents of your web. Meta tags will we specifically in the next section.
  8. Link Popularity is the number of other web pages that link to your web site. Some of the major search engines are considering this. The greater the link popularity of a web site, the higher will be rangkingnya.

That is some of the common points and if your web site has been optimized in accordance with 8 points, and will be guaranteed a good ranking on search engines.
