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Hotels Near Ardgowan House Scotland

Ardgowan House

Exploring Scotland? Don't miss out a visit at the Ardgowan House, one of the most beautiful houses on the west coast of Scotland! The perfect place to relax, unwinds, celebrate and meet

Ardgowan House Scotland - In 1403, King Robert III granted the lands of Ardgowan to his natural son, Sir John Stewart. In 1667 Archibald Stewart was created a baronet. The 3rd baronet married, in 1730, Helen Houston, heiress of the Shaws of Greenock. Their son Sir John Shaw-Stewart, 4th baronet, commissioned a design for a new house from the architect Hugh Cairncross. Construction began in 1797, and was completed around 1801. The grounds were laid out to designs by James Ramsay from 1800

In 1825 William Burn was appointed by the 6th baronet to extend the house. Sir Michael Shaw-Stewart, 7th Baronet and his wife Lady Octavia, daughter of the 2nd Marquess of Westminster, continued improvements to the grounds, employing their gardener brought from Eaton Hall, Cheshire to install formal gardens. In 1904 the 8th baronet commissioned Robert Lorimer to design the conservatory. Planting of new trees and shrubs continued until the Second World War, during which the house was employed as a hospital. The house remains home to the Shaw-Stewarts, and is also operated as a venue for rent.

Ardgowan House

Exploring Scotland? Don't miss out a visit at the Ardgowan House, one of the most beautiful houses on the west coast of Scotland! The perfect place to relax, unwinds, celebrate and meet.

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